Services have now resumed a normal pattern - please see here.
Pandemic care
As of April 2022 it is no longer a legal requirement in places of worship to wear a face covering but for our health and that of others the we require that, unless exempt, members should wear a facemask. There is a supply available by the door. We would ask those who are exempt to sit at the front of the church to reduce the risk of aerosol transmission. We also suggest that those who attend consider taking a lateral flow test beforehand.
use the hand sanitiser on your way into and out of church and move
anticlockwise around the building. Parents are asked to supervise their children.
congregation members will receive a link to an online form in our weekly e-mail
to indicate that they will be attending to help us keep the services
safe. We will also ask those who have not completed the form for details when they
arrive. We will keep data for 21 days to assist with the NHS Test and Trace
system if necessary.
do not attend if you or someone you live with has a high temperature, a new,
continuous cough, or a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste, or
if you have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace.
aged 70 and over are advised to take particular care to minimise contact with
others outside their household, and if they do go out, they should be careful
to maintain distance from others.
Talks by Vaughan Roberts from St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford answering the questions: Does God care? How can we cope with anxiety? What is humanity’s biggest problem? Where are we heading?